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Familia Adelante Enhancing Youth and Family Life Skills
Florida Institute for Community Studies (FICS) implements the Familia Adelante practice Click here to see coverage on TV Bay News 9
Familia Adelante graduation night conducted by Servicios de la Raza in Colorado Click here to see participant testimonials
YMCA YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES - Linkages to Learning “The families who participated loved the program and we could see a difference in their connectedness as families and as a community.” uz3/view?ts=5d69c2e6
NNED LEARN 2020 - Upcoming FA Training March 8, 2020 - New Mexico 
Familia Adelante Video on KGUN9 Tucson, AZ
Familia Adelante at Colorado Springs School District, Sabin Middle School Click here to watch video
Another New Home for Familia Adelante in Las Vegas, NV
Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Familia Adelante (FA) is being implemented with various cultural groups across the Network/in different regions.