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Program Overview

Familia Adelante is an evidence based program and can be applied in a "universal" prevention setting or in a more

targeted "selective" prevention approach for youth at risk. Through the use of a psychoeducational approach, at-risk

youth ages 10-14 and their families are provided with new techniques for identifying stressors and risk factors, ultimately

strengthening ties to important social institutions. Youth and parents are also offered HIV and sex education addressing the

increasing rates of HIV among Hispanic families.

Familia Adelante aims to:

• Reduce overall levels of family stress

• Reduce youth behavior problems

• Reduce the effects of acculturation stress, including

discrimination stress

• Enhance psychosocial coping and life skills in both children and


• Enhance academic achievement

• Decrease the risk for later substance abuse and emotional problems in Hispanic children.

• Reduce the rate of HIV among Hispanics through sex and HIV education

Who can benefit from Familia Adelante?

Familia Adelante is a parent involved intervention program for youth and is administered once a week over a twelve-week period.

Children that benefit most from Familia Adelante are 10-14, and demonstrate specific problems. These problems include:

• The child is currently experiencing some degree of behavioral problems in the classroom (e.g. disruptive behavior, does not

complete assignments in class, excessive talking, poor impulse control: not due to diagnosed hyperactivity or ADHD).

• The child is currently experiencing some degree of emotional problems (e.g. extremely shy, withdrawn, isolated or extremely

tense, anxious or nervous); or

• The child is currently experiencing some degree of academic difficulty not due to a learning disorder or lack of English

language proficiency.

Familia Adelante Format:

The curriculum, 12 sessions in length, educates high-risk Latino youth, ages 10-14 and their parents or caregiver in:

Family and peer communication,

Substance abuse prevention

HIV knowledge

Perceptions of harm about high-risk behavior

Positive school bonding


This is not a treatment program, but rather a family development model for youth who have early signs of either

behavioral or emotional problems. The Familia Adelante intervention is administered to youth and parents concurrently but

separately in a group format.