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As a result of the 2020 pandemic Familia Adelante staff and Consultants created a Virtual Program that is now available for use by trained facilitators. The Virtual Program includes PowerPoint and PDF versions of an abbreviated eight session program designed specifically for use with Youth and Parents in a virtual environment. Training on the use of the Familia Adelante Virtual Program is now available.
New Familia Adelante Virtual Program
A new Youth Workbook was in 2020 to help and reinforce Familia Adelante lessons and activities for youth. The Youth Workbook is intended for those youth who may want to journal or otherwise develop additional communication skills through writing and responding to simple questions and suggested activities that are directly related to the previous weeks in person or virtual lesson.
Youth Workbook
Given today's crisis in mental health among children and youth, including Latino use, Familia Adelante has been enhanced by inclusion of material on both the childhood depression anxiety and PTSD. Additional information on National hotlines for those suffering from depression and suicidality are now available as part of the curriculum as are skills-based coping approaches for youth suffering with these illnesses.
Improved Mental Health and Behavioral Health Material
Familia Adelante continues to be featured as one of SAMHSA's Premier culturally responsive and evidence supported prevention programs. Our team continues to train facilitators throughout the country using the SAMHSA supported NNED Learn training model. New program sites were added in 2023 including sites in New York City, Hayward California, North Carolina, Denver Colorado among others. In addition, three sites have implemented Familiar Adelante as part of their SAMHSA CSAP funded Prevention Grant Programs, including sites in Santa Fe New Mexico, Los Angeles California, and Houston Texas.
Partnership with SAMHSA
Three new Familia Adelante trainers have assisted with training throughout the country. Ricardo Torres, Cindy Marroquin, and Adriana Dibello represent the best of their communities and have all had an opportunity to implement Familia Adelante in their own communities. We are delighted to have them on board as new Familia Adelante trainers.
New Trainers
An electronic web-based Fidelity Monitoring tool is now available to all organizations implementing Familia Adelante and training for using this new system is also available upon request.
Electronic Fidelity Monitoring Tool
Familia Adelante: A Multi-Risk Prevention Intervention for Latino Families @ Primary Prevention Journal 
Catholic Charities rolls out new program to reduce stress among Latino youth
Adapting Evidence-Based Prevention Approaches for Latino Adolescents: The Familia Adelante Program – Revised
Intervention for Latino Families
Catholic Charities
Adapting EB Prevention